Fesenmyer is your Consumer Warrior

Cincinnati Debt Help: Protect Your Home & Car with Chapter 13

Has your debt reached an unmanageable point, and you are worried about losing your car or home? If so, it is time to speak with a Cincinnati Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is designed to eliminate debt after making steady, manageable payments.

Filing for bankruptcy does not mean declaring defeat — instead, it is an opportunity to retake control of your financial future.

If you are filing for bankruptcy or need to learn more about Chapter 13 bankruptcy, do not go at it alone. Facing bankruptcy can be stressful and confusing, but the process can be made much smoother with our Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorneys in Cincinnati by your side.

Our Cincinnati Chapter 13 attorneys can help consolidate and discharge your debt. Call our Cincinnati office today at 877-654-5297 and ask for your free consultation.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: How It Can Help You Get Debt Relief

Our Cincinnati Chapter 13 Lawyer Explains This Type of Bankruptcy

If you are facing financial struggles and are in fear of losing your home, car, or other significant assets due to late payments and debt, speak with a Hamilton County Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a form of bankruptcy where debtors make steady, court-approved monthly payments on their debts over three to five years.

Chapter 13 provides a debt reorganization plan that lets you make affordable payments on your debts to avoid home foreclosure, vehicle repossession, and other loss of assets and negative outcomes.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is often called a “wage earner’s plan,” since you must have regular income and at least some disposable income to file for Chapter 13. Call our Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorneys in Hamilton County to learn more about bankruptcy protections.

Once your three- to five-year repayment plan is complete, the remaining eligible debt will be discharged. After speaking with a Cincinnati Chapter 13 attorney, you may find that Chapter 13 is your best option if you are trying to keep your home or have other secured assets to protect.

Chapter 13 may also be best if your income is too high to qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which involves quickly liquidating debt that is not backed by assets or collateral.

Need Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Help? Avoid DIY Disasters, Get Expert Guidance

Facing bankruptcy is never anyone’s first choice, but it may be your best option to regain your financial footing. Attorney Thomas Fesenmyer and his partners have helped thousands of clients find cost-effective solutions to debt, and they can help you, too.

By working with our Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney in Cincinnati, you will have someone on your side to walk you through the Chapter 13 bankruptcy process. Filing for bankruptcy correctly is imperative, and our team of experienced attorneys in Cincinnati will be there for you each step of the way.

We offer compassionate, detail-oriented, and personalized service. By genuinely caring about our clients’ outcomes and financial best interests, we have built a track record of success helping people just like you.

Bankruptcy is hard, so we make the process as easy as possible. We offer reasonable and flexible rates. We also offer convenient payment plans.

At Fesenmyer Law Offices, LLC, we work hard to ensure that your family gets the fresh financial start it needs and deserves.

Teaming up with our Cincinnati Chapter 13 lawyer can help take the stress and complication out of bankruptcy filing. Call our Hamilton County office and ask for a free consultation to learn about how you can get the debt relief you need, at 877-654-5297.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Benefits:
Is It the Right Debt Solution for You?

For various reasons, usually because of job loss, a sudden illness, or another situation that is beyond their control, many families fall behind on mortgage payments and other secured debt obligations.

When that happens, these families can either hope the bank works with them or they can take control of the situation and file Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Instant relief from aggressive creditors may be the biggest benefit of Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The Automatic Stay prohibits most kinds of creditor adverse actions, such as:

  • Repossession
  • Wage garnishment
  • Foreclosure
  • Creditor lawsuits
  • Eviction

Usually, the automatic stay takes full effect immediately upon filing. Debtors do not need to prove creditor fraud, negligence, or other fault. Generally, the automatic stay remains in full effect until the judge closes the bankruptcy.

Creditor protection is just the beginning. Chapter 13 also protects a family’s most important financial assets, such as:

  • Home
  • Motor vehicle
  • Retirement account
  • Personal property
  • Government benefits

A Cincinnati Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer knows how to unlock additional exemptions and protections which, in many cases, could save your family thousands of dollars.

Lien-stripping is a good example. If your home’s value has declined and you have a second mortgage, you may not need to keep paying on that second mortgage.

Fundamentally, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows families to repay past-due obligations over time, with an income-based repayment plan. Since the automatic stay remains in effect, as mentioned above, creditors cannot demand more money as long as the plan meets minimum legal requirements.

Advantages of Working with a Cincinnati Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney

If you are considering bankruptcy, a Hamilton County Chapter 13 attorney can help guide you through the process and make sure you have the best plan in place. There are many steps and complicated procedures involved when filing for bankruptcy, so let a Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney in Cincinnati assist.

A Cincinnati Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer can:

  • Help you assess options and work toward saving your financial future
  • Make sure you proceed with the best type of bankruptcy
  • Assist with bankruptcy filing, paperwork, and the various administrative processes
  • Help draft and formulate your repayment plan proposal
  • Ensure your rights and best interests are protected during court hearings and proposal negotiations
  • Keep you informed about bankruptcy processes and procedures throughout your repayment period

By teaming up with our Cincinnati Chapter 13 lawyer, you will have an advocate and experienced guide on your side. Filing for bankruptcy can be stressful, so it is more than worth having a knowledgeable Hamilton County Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney to depend on.

Our Cincinnati Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyer Can Walk You Through Each Step

A partnership with a lawyer is a significant investment at a time when money is tight. This investment is always a good idea, especially considering the alternatives.

DIY (do-it-yourself) bankruptcies may seem like a good idea at first, but DIY bankruptcies usually end in disaster. Filing a bankruptcy petition is like filing a corporate tax return without instructions. The filing is incredibly complex. Additionally, once the case goes to court, DIY filers must. represent themselves

BPPs (bankruptcy petition preparers) are not much better. These non-lawyers help debtors fill out forms. But they cannot give debtors legal advice. They certainly cannot represent debtors in adverse proceedings.

At Fesenmyer Law Offices, LLC, we offer comprehensive Chapter 13 bankruptcy representation from start to finish.

We begin with a thorough and honest case assessment and a frank discussion about your legal options. Some people do not qualify for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Additionally, this debt relief option is not a good idea for everyone. If another path is better, we encourage you to follow that path.

Next, we use advanced methods to complete the filing package. We do not just fill in the blanks. Because of our experience, we know how to properly present your bankruptcy petition to the court.

A bankruptcy is more than just filling out paperwork. We prepare clients for the all-important meeting of creditors and walk them through every step of the way. Additionally, when there is an adversarial matter, such as a disputed debt, we have the expertise to handle every matter.

Finally, after the judge closes the bankruptcy, we help former debtors make the most of their fresh start, so they can put their financial problems in their rear-view mirror.

FAQs: Common Questions for a Cincinnati Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney

You likely have several questions for a Hamilton County Chapter 13 attorney if you are considering bankruptcy. Below are several questions and answers that can help you learn more about Chapter 13 bankruptcy:

A Chapter 13 bankruptcy declaration will typically stay on your credit report for seven years. That period includes the three to five years spent repaying debts. So, if your repayment plan is five years long, the declaration will stay on your report for only an additional two years.

A bankruptcy filing can also show up on a background check, which may not necessarily be harmful.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is different from Chapter 13 in that it does not involve a steady repayment plan; instead, Chapter 7 seeks to quickly clear away debt that is not backed by collateral, such as credit card debt, medical debt, and unpaid personal loans. Individuals without regular income or who have little to no disposable income may qualify for Chapter 7.

Even by working with a Hamilton County Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer, some forms of debt cannot be discharged. Chapter 13 generally cannot discharge debt incurred from child support and alimony payments; most student loans; fines and penalties, including traffic tickets and restitution payments; and unpaid taxes.

You undoubtedly have questions for a Hamilton County Chapter 13 lawyer if you are considering bankruptcy. By speaking with our Cincinnati Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney, you can have your questions answered and get the advice you need to retake financial control.

Do not Wait to Get Out of Debt — Talk to Our Hamilton County Chapter 13 Attorney Today

If you are facing mounting debt, it is time to act. By speaking with our Cincinnati Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer, you can learn more about how bankruptcy can protect you, your home, and your financial future.

While choosing to declare bankruptcy is never a choice made lightly, our Hamilton County Chapter 13 lawyer can help determine if it is your best move and how bankruptcy could help your situation.

Call our Cincinnati office today at 877-654-5297 and ask to schedule a free consultation. It is time to get out of debt. Do not go at it alone; let our compassionate and knowledgeable Cincinnati Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorneys assist.

Attorney Tom Fesenmyer

Attorney Thomas M. Fesenmyer (Tom) is dedicated to helping his clients solve their financial issues in a timely and cost-effective manner. Tom has personally filed several thousand cases and has the expertise to achieve immediate results for his clients, including stopping Foreclosures, Repossessions, Wage Garnishments, Law Suits, Utility Shut-offs, Creditor Harassment, Bank Attachments, and Pay-Day Loans. Tom’s goal for all of his clients is asset protection and debt elimination.[ Attorney Bio ]


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